Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Tuesday, 24 th of March

Good morning boys and girls!

Today, we are going to review the way for asking and giving directions.

Remember the following things:

- Excuse me, where is the museum?         Disculpe, ¿Dónde está el museo?

- Excuse me, how do I get to the museum?         Disculpe, ¿Cómo se va al museo?

- Turn left         Gire a la izquierda
- Turn right         Gire a la derecha
- Go straight on         Vaya recto
- Go up the street         Suba por esta calle


- Go down the street         Baje por esta calle

1. Look at this map and answer the following questions:

- You are in the RED arrow (flecha), where is the bank?
- You are in the BLUE arrow, where is the school?
- You are at the hospital, where is the sports centre?
- You are in the shopping centre, where is the library?

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