Thursday, April 16, 2020


Friday, 17th of April

Hello children!

How are you doing?

Here you are the next video with today´s science lesson (Empezamos de nuevo el Tema 3: El reino animal pero, esta vez con los libros)


Have a great weekend, stay home, have fun and see you on Monday!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Thursday, 16th of April

Good morning boys and girls!
How are you? I hope that you and your families are okay and that you had a good Easter break.
We are going to continue posting your work here everyday, so please, check your blog day by day.

We start Unit 5 WHY ARE ANIMALS AMAZING? and this is our Lesson 1.

(A continuación tenéis un enlace con un vídeo donde hemos usado un programa para grabar la pantalla del ordenador y la explicación. Durante la proyección podréis escuchar los audios, ver el vídeo de introducción y veréis como cambiamos del libro de clase al libro de actividades. Podéis pausar los audios o escucharlos de nuevo si lo necesitáis)

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Viernes, 3 de abril

¡Buenos días chicos y chicas! ¡Ya es viernes!
Hoy vamos a trabajar la R fuerte y la r suave.

La r fuerte se escribe r al principio de palabra: rayo.

La r fuerte se escribe rr entre vocales: perro.

La r suave se escribe r entre vocales: pera.

Podéis escuchar esta canción ¡Todos a cantar!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Thursday, 2nd of April

Good morning children! How are you today?

We continue with FISH.

Fish have scales (escamas) and fins (aletas) They breathe with gills (branquias) They live in rivers (ríos), lakes (lagos) and oceans (océanos) They lay soft eggs in water. Fish eat plankton (plancton), insects (insectos), other fish (otros peces) and water plants (plantas acuáticas)

Let´s watch this video!

Now, listen to the song!

Read these characteristics about these animals and copy them in your notebook or in a piece of paper.

CBM CEIP PINTOR PEDRO CANO: FISH | Animals for children. Kids videos

Here, you can see the main parts of fish:

Cole San Miguel 1º Primaria: Natural Science: Animals' classification

1. Draw a fish and use these words to label the fish´s body parts: EYE, MOUTH, GILLS, TAIL FIN, FIN and SCALES.

2. Copy this text in your notebook or in a piece of paper and complete it with the missing words.

Fish Worksheet Worksheets 
(Answers: gills, fins, plants, sun, light)

Let´s look at these crafts, can you try one of them? (optional)

Paper Plate Pufferfish Craft for Kids - Buggy and Buddy   Rainbow Fish Craft - Planning Playtime

Myiahs hand-fish :) #fish #art #toddler #hand #handprint | Toddler ...    Paper Plate Fish Craft Inspired by The Rainbow Fish - | Paper ...

Cómo hacer un pez con un CD - YouTube